How to Use Canva Pro Version For Free

 How to Use Canva Pro For Free

First Lets Know About Canva

An Australian graphic design tool called Canva is used to make social media graphics, documents, posters, presentations, and other visual content.  The app offers users templates they can use. For additional functionality, the platform also offers paid subscriptions like Canva Pro and Canva for Enterprise.  Canva introduced a video editing tool in 2021.  Users may also pay for the printing and delivery of tangible goods.

Canva Paid Subscription

We All Know that canva offers a premium service known as canva pro and the difference is that canva offers millions of templates , elements, and fonts but some are paid and some are free and somebody cannot afford canva pro subscription and it is not an app you can crack it but there is another options

 Canva Teams

Canva Opened a new function called teams where people can join and form a team and use paid canva but the owner of the team has pay the amount of yearly canva subscription 70% of teams are for professional work and private but some people are adding joining links to their website and you can watch ad and join there teams and use canva pro features so let me tell you how

How to Join A Pro Team

Simply Click The Link Bottom Of My Website 
Scroll Down Until You Will Find Timer
Wait Until Timer Ends 
Click Download
It Will Open Canva Pro app on android and website on PC
But Note It Is Compulsory To Login Before Doing Method
